Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Christmas is always the time of year for giving and reflection. I am always amazed at the amount of advertisement, money, and time that once a year can take. Every year - I do the same thing too. I end up thinking to myself how much money we spend, and tend to become my Grandpa - God bless him. I remember him saying many times at Christmas - "We should not be giving gifts, but just be getting together and enjoying the time." I would think to myself as he opened a gift that we gave him that he was a scrooge. Ironically, too Grandpa was probably one of the most generous men that I have ever known. Now, look at me - not only did I get the gift of "gab" from him, but also the grumpiness at Christmas. I have done some heavy thinking lately, and have to say that part of my grumpiness does have a point. I think of so many people that don't have a choice in what gifts to give each other, and the hungry. Maybe I myself needs to focus more on them, because that kind of giving is so much more fun. I had a lady tell me the other day about a family that she adopted for Christmas. The child about ten said he wanted a jacket and socks. His mother would love a Wal Mart gift card, but what she really needed was laundry detergent. I about fell over with guilt. This has been the hardest year financially that we have had in a long time, and I still have absolutely no shortage of socks or detergent in my house! My own little selfish rear end was worrying how I was going to buy my girls a bracelet (one that would buy a lot of socks!). Oh, how does it all go hay wire? I guess I just want to remind myself of the many blessings that I have, and want to sit down tonight at dinner and talk about how we can help someone else out this year that truly has NEEDS and not just "wants". I too remind myself that the best gift of all is that I was taught about God, Jesus, and grace. It puts a whole new meaning to Merry Christmas......

Never assume that you are the only one with hard times.
Enjoying each other is truly one of the best gifts at Christmas.
Every year for Christmas - listen and I promise you will hear of somebody that is truly in need - help them, and sit back to feel the joy.
Do your best to teach your children or children in your life about the gift of giving.
Sharing your giving is not necessary - giving secretly is much better - try it and see.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Yesterday, I loaded up most of my parents herd of cows to haul to the auction. Dean and I have been helping my mom and dad for awhile now, and bought half of the herd from them awhile back. To make a long story short - we cannot keep up with the herd, fences, feeding, etc. My parents ranched all their life together - ranched only - no other job on the side, and I just don't know how they did it. Well, I do, but it is not the life that I could live. I want more things, and I have a hard time admitting that. They lived a simple, quiet, resourceful life that sounds wonderful to me now, but we "wanted" too much. It may sound weird, but those cows are going to teach me something - I know it. They already did, but I need to learn more. It really was hard to close the door to my parents livelihood - not all the way, but downsize and I hope that they are OK with it. They are now getting social security, and it is the first time in their lives that they have a guaranteed check every month! They love it. I have noticed that there are so few anymore that are truly living off the land, and ranching/farming is a trade that is slowly becoming endangered. I mean the true ones that work only off the land and depend on it. Thank a rancher or farmer next time - they are amazing people. Why did it take me so long to respect, and appreciate my parents more in how they made a living?

Cows can be mean - only because they feel threatened usually - MOVE when they are come to close.
Only experienced persons should work cattle or help work cattle - otherwise stay in the truck.
Watch a cow - they eat, take naps often, have no modesty, and protect their young - what a life!
Share with your parents if you can that you appreciate what did to raise you - it was hard work to them, and so often we feel unappreciated.

Friday, November 6, 2009


I bought a bike this week. Boy, has it been a long time since bike days. I gave my Wal mart bike to Morgan, and she thinks that she is big stuff. I don't have the heart to tell her that my bike is even better, and who knew??? I never realized on what a difference tires can make, and all that jazz. Wow! Needless, to say - I love my new bike, and I feel free like a kid again when I ride it - especially with the girls. Go for it if you have a bike and get back on, because the ride is fun!

Better late than never to get on a bike and ride.
I never knew going down hill could be that much fun again.
Knowledge about bikes is helpful, but the sales people do know their stuff!
Every child should have the chance to own a bike - look around, and make sure the kids in your neighborhood/church/or friends of friends around you have one.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


I found out last Saturday that God puts people in your life as you need them. Our help arrived soon after we got home to find a water leak from a busted pipe in our home. We were gone only four hours, and our house was completely flooded with water. You know it is bad when you drive up to notice water coming out of the garage and front door! We made some phone calls, and were amazed with our friends, family, and neighbors that dropped everything to come to our rescue. Even the Servpro company (clean up crew) was very impressed in how fast we got everything out. The tile floors were saved by the many fans that dried out the whole block (i mean house), but our bedroom floors were torn out along with baseboards in every room. I felt sorry for myself a couple of times, but realize now that it could have been way worse, and are grateful that we have a home to come back to with each other. I thank God we have wonderful people in our lives, and it reminds me that it is very important to help others every chance you get!

Help someone in need, because your turn will come when you need it too.
Enjoy the help when you can get it, and be sure to be thankful.
Love one another - that goes a long way!
People can be your angels on earth, and watch closely to see how blessed your are in life.

Friday, October 9, 2009


I was reminded yesterday how important small acts of kindness can be to others. If you pay attention - a smile can really make someones day. I love to smile at somebody, and wait for their reaction. They either seem surprised, smile instantly back, smile and start talking, or just look at you like you are weird (probably thinking do i know her). Now, don't get me wrong - I do not smile all the time at others, because sometimes I am just plain grumpy, but I am going to try it more often. One simple act of kindness can really just change a person's view of others, and brighten their mood. I just need to remind my girls of this too, because a smile is contagious, and nowadays we need something good to catch instead of getting sick! Try it - smile and see what happens.

Show others you care by looking them in the eye, and don't forget to smile.
Many people are struggling way more than you will ever know, and could use a nice gesture.
Introduce yourself to someone new (keep it public), and you may just make a friend.
Let somebody know they look nice or give them a compliment - they will remember it all day.
Enjoy friendly people whenever you can, because it will make up for the meanies.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


This title is mainly about getting up and getting out. I have blogged about running before, and I just wanted to share that it has helped me tremendously. Now, please note that I do not always run, but do a whole lot of walking too. I have to admit that the doctor was right, and it only took me ten years to really hear him. Excercise is good and it helps. So, get up and go. I feel so much better about inside and out by exercising. Time? Yes, finding time is usually hard, but sometimes I think I used it as an excuse. I do admit that my work load is not as heavy as the full time working moms/dads, but there is still time if you make it. I really have come to the conclusion that we just do not look around enough to see all the beauty, and a great way to remind us is the outdoors. My kids seem to like getting out too - the weather is good now so enjoy, and the dogs love their walks!

Unleash your worries, fears, anger, and stress by exercising.
Positive people get up and do something. :)

Friday, September 11, 2009


Grouch is my new word - for me. I cannot seem to quit being so negative and grumpy the last several weeks. Yes, some of you that know me well are thinking - she's been that way a long time. I have been a grouch at my kids, my hubby, and I need to snap out of it! I took up running, and it helped some, but not enough. So, I am going to try my best to work on self-control. I have tried before to work on keeping my mouth shut, and I still have a big mouth, but as of today - I am working on self control and that helps with the mouth thing which leads to the grouch stuff....... Wish me luck and here are my thoughts on the word grouch.

Get over it - take a walk, breath, or just simply count to whatever number works. Boy, this is gonna be hard for me......
Relax somehow - find a way to make yourself chill. Alcohol and caffiene will backfire.
Optimism helps, and everyday think of five things that you are grateful for in your life, and stay positive. My granny always says - it could be way worse, and she is so right.
Understand that everyone - even yourself are only human. Humans are grouchy - ask yourself why you are that way - like kids - tired, hungry, thirsty, or simply spoiled.
Cool it with a bath or shower - seems to help anyone.
Have some time to yourself - any quiet time that you can simply pray, meditate, or listen to God.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


This past Monday was our first day of school for the girls - third grade and sixth. I did not cry at Kindergarten at all, but after dropping off my oldest at Middle School - I cried. It is a hard time for both girls and boys during this time in their life. It was a weird feeling, because it is the same middle school where I went, and way scarier when it is your child. Lots of prayers and listening is what my goal will be this year, and I thank God that I am able to pick both of them up and be with them after school. I hope everyone enjoys their education, because it really is a privelege. These are some of my thoughts when it comes to kids going to school, but I guess they can even apply eslewhere. No, I don't do them all as much as I should, but will try harder.

Sit down and have supper or one meal a day with your children, and ask questions.
Cool parents establish rules, and stick to them as much as possible (admitting mistakes).
Hope for the best, and say a lot of prayers for your kiddos.
Old people (as in parents are not always cool) so just deal with it.
Optimism is your best tool when teaching a child from experience, because modeling a positive attitude can help them learn a great outlook on life.
Listen as much as you can to children - really listen - even if you don't have kids, you can help - look them in the eye and give them your full attention.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


This past year has been tough. I know it could be way worse, but it seems like my heart has been heavy. My parents are having a hard time with health, and I am thankful they are still with us, but just so hard to see their bodies and lifestyles change. Our darn truck got stolen, and that was a real pain in the wazoo. Yes, Dean got a new one, but just seems like we have to start all over since the last one was finally paid off. Our business is struggling more than ever, and it is our ten year anniversary for having a business. We had to tell one of our employees that we did not have enough work, and all worked out fine with that, but it was very hard. I need to get a job, but do not want to leave Dean without help on our business end. A very close friend just found out his cancer is back. So many men and women are away from their families defending our country. I am tired of hearing nothing but fuss when you turn on the news. It just seems like things are so hard for so many, and it hurts to see your loved ones and even strangers struggle. Saying all that - I have to confess that I have lashed out at God. Asking him why does it have to be so hard? I have not done that in years, and really not sure if I ever have before. It hit me this morning the word that I wanted to post about is Faith. Why haven't I thought of that before - I guess I have, but was just not ready to give it all to God. I hope so much that I learn from these struggles to not just have faith in God when things seem harder, but all the time - even during the good times. I'm sorry God - I will have faith again....

Free yourself from worry, and give it all to God.
Always know that God and Jesus love you more than you can even imagine.
It hurts to see the ones you love struggle - God feels the same way about his children (you).
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.
Hope is what we all lean on to survive and faith holds our hope. Keep your heart full of hope.

Thursday, July 9, 2009


I have a wonderful father and mother. I never realized how much my parents loved me until I had my own children. Most of all - I feel very blessed that I was taught that God, our heavenly father, loves all of us very much, and that is just awesome. I really believe that dads have such a huge impact on their child's life, and it is important for them to be there for their kiddos. Even the men that don't have children - you too have neices, nephews, or even friend's children that you can be a mentor for them. After all - it does take a village to raise a child. I hope my girls know how blessed they are to have wonderful men in their lives.

Do not take for granted that your child knows that you love them - tell it to them often.
Allow your child or a child to see or hear you pray.
Dare to be a mentor or a good role model for a child. You just never know how much it may do for them down the road, and always look them in the eye when you are suppose to be really listening.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


I really do think that I am very blessed with my family. Now, that is not just my husband, my daughters, and my pets, but I mean the whole family. I mean my sister, dean's siblings, grandparents, and cousins - extended family too. We really do have a pretty close family, and it amazes me when I hear of those that do not have anything to do with their family or a member. It makes me sad for them. I lost an uncle over ten years ago, and still to this day, I miss him so much. I learned from him that you tell each other that you love them or make sure that they know. I don't think I ever told him how much he meant to me, or thanked him for all that he did for me and others. Life is too short, and I wish so much we would not waste time being angry or not speaking to someone. How would you feel if they were gone tomorrow? I do know that there are situations and times that we get on each other's nerves, get annoyed, angry, fed up, or grumpy. I think that is the beauty of family, because they see us the way we are all the time, and they still love us. Let's face it - when it is really bad and we need help - who do we call? Yes, I have some awesome friends that would come immediately, but most of the time you start out with that very first phone call to a family member. I do love my family very much - the whole crew. I know they love me even at my very worst - how awesome is that?

Friends can come and go - family is forever.
Always remember that you get on their nerves probably as much as they do yours.
Make it a habit to tell them that you love them as much as possible - when you hang up the phone is a great place to start or with a card - especially with those that have a hard time sharing emotion.
Ignore the little things, and don't sweat the small stuff - we are all human.
Listen to each other, and don't try to fix it - and give support.
Yesterday is gone, and tomorrow is never promised to anyone - love your family today.

Sunday, June 28, 2009


I love summer. Well, not the heat so much, but enjoying time with the girls being out of school is my favorite time of year. Yes, they fight often, but we usually swim, play, and sleep late. I feel so blessed to be able to stay home with Morgan and Malory during the summer, and even though we get a little grumpy some days - it is worth it. I hope you are enjoying your summer.

Sit down, slow down, and sip something cold to drink!
Understand that it is going to be hot - very hot some days - just part of it.
Make time to read a good book or two.
Move it, move it, move it - go play with your kids, pets, or yourself by walking, swimming, or biking.
Enjoy a sunrise and a sunset at least once during the summer - they are beautiful.
Remember that summer was the best time of your life when you were young - have some fun.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


I think we all have lessons learned many times in our lives, and so often we miss the really important ones that help us truly learn. I always try to remind myself in any situation the fine words of my mother - "It can always be worse." Now, I do say that sometimes we have to feel sorry for ourselves, because noone else will, but I think that I try my best not to let it dwell. I am so grateful for my family, friends, and for having the good Lord in my life. I will always believe that Life is Good with God.

So, here comes the yucky news that happened to us last week on Friday. We went to Pflugerville (near Austin) to see my sister and her family for my neice's graduation party. The party was Saturday, but we decided to go up a day early to help and spend some time with them, because we have not been up there in a very long time. My family and I are not travelers, and we do not go very much at all. Well, when we do - we usually have a story. The last trip was losing our travel trailer off the truck on the Main bridge from Corpus to Mustang Island. That was a year ago, and praise God it all turned out fine, but we almost gave up trips completely. This time - in Austin at our hotel room, the morning of the party - we discovered that our truck was stolen. Talk about a weird feeling, and a big bummer, but we did try very hard not to let it ruin the party. We told the girls that it could have been way worse, and we never know why things happen in life, but surely there is a reason - maybe we were not suppose to drive it home for our safety or whatever. We fell apart later (me and Dean). The economy has really made finances harder in our life, and we realized that since our truck was paid off - just what would we do now - start over and how do we continue our business without something to haul our equipment with, etc.? Yes, we had insurance, but really will they pull through? Honestly, I have not really ever had too much luck with insurance companies, and although you are glad that you have them at the time of need - it feels like you are pulling teeth when you got to get something in return. Sorry - I feel bad for anyone that works in insurance companies, owns them, or anyone that has to use them constantly for medical or whatever. It has to be hard to tell someone those common words - "sorry you are not covered for that". My mind just wondered a whole lot while we were waiting for a phone call. I kept saying to myself over and over - I have been through both, and would rather have a stolen vehicle over a car wreck anyday, but did need a day or two to get my mind together. Dean did too, and I have to say that it is amazing how much a truck can mean to a man. We are better now, and have faith that all will be fine, but it sure does help to chat about it, and I do think there is always a lesson to be learned. I have learned a lot so far, and I have a feeling a lot more will come from this experience along with many more.

Listen to others and ask questions when they are going through a situation in their life - you never know if you may have the same experience one day.
Enter life at your own risk, and always have God on your side. Keep in mind that safety comes first, and always be aware of your surroundings.
Sit down and make sure you understand your insurance policies - ask a lot of questions and do not expect your agent to think about "what would happen if" - you think about it and ask.
Some people may not seem to care about your situation, but I don't think anyone gets it until they have to cross the same bridge - so don't judge others by their lack of compassion.
One picture of your vehicle can show that you are not making up that it truly was a good vehicle, and proves a lot of things. That goes for the items in your house, tools (get seriel numbers), and anything else that can be stolen, burned, or lost.
Never take for granted what you work so hard for, and make sure you make wise choices to protect yourself and your family.
Slow down and pay attention to the blessings that you have, and you will realize just how fortunate you are in life. Also, sharing with others can make you feel a lot better especially if they have been through something similiar themselves or know someone who has, because it reminds you that we all have "crud" happen in our lives, and big or small it is still crud!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


I have been so blessed with friends. Not only do I have a wonderful family, but also friends that I know would do whatever they could to help me. It just does not get any better than that. I hope my girls also will be blessed with a wealth of friendships. I know school can be hard for them, and it is tough figuring our friends, but I always try to remember what mom always said to me when I was in school - be nice to them and they will be nice to you. How simple is that? Not always that simple, but it does usually work. I just need to remember, and do that even to strangers or people that I come across daily. A smile, a compliment, or just listening can truly make someone's day.

Feel free to tell a friend that they are wonderful - many times.
Remember that your friends are the family that you pick.
Invite a new friend to church, coffee, or something - it may be hard for them to meet people.
Enjoy the time you have with friends, because time is precious.
Never put off helping a friend - you may need it too one day.
Don't let friends drink and drive.
Share your blessings with your friends, and they will share too.

Monday, June 1, 2009


I really don't like to us the word boss, but it is shorter than self employed and means basically the same thing. My husband and I own our own business, and it is much harder than what I anticipated years ago. We started our own electrical contracting business ten years ago, and it I put owning your own business along the same category as having children. You just don't get it until you have your own. If I knew back then what I know now - I would have probably kept my mouth shut, or even not judged as harshly.

One of our employees left to go work with his dad this last week, and it was tough for Dean and me. We even had to tell another employee two months ago that we did not have enough work for him anymore. That was even harder. If the economy is bad - usually construction is one of the first to go, and it is a big reminder to me that we have to be grateful for our blessings. I don't know all the answers, but I do think that I have learned a lot in the past ten years, and now I include our business in my prayers. Use to I would just pray for my family, friends, myself, my husband, and others, but did not really ever mention our work. We are workers together with God, and I know now that he has to be in all parts of my life and not just the ones that I choose.

I never realized the responsibilities of a business owner were so heavy, and now I have more empathy to those that are in a position to change people's lives or have to make tough decisions. I think that a "service" or working for the public type of business is a true test of character many times. We care about the guys that work for us so much, and have become part of our family. I just hope that they know this, and I do pray that we are a good boss.

Be sure that you are honest and upfront about any expectations.
Observe your employees behavior - you can tell if they are happy or not.
Share with your employees that that they are appreciated.
Simply remember that you also were on the other side of the fence at one time - if you have never been an employee before, than take a good hard look at how you would want to be treated by your own boss.

Monday, April 27, 2009


I am at home doing business stuff - invoices and paying bills while it is a slow and nice rain. We have been in a drought for awhile, and the rain is just so welcome. Of course, it may all come at once and cause some flooding, but at least we are getting what we needed for so long. I love the rain, but am scared big time of the lightning, wind, hail, and stormy stuff that comes along with it at times. I just pray for people's safety in traveling and during heavy storms.

Rain is necessary for all living things.
Always respect running water after the rain - it can be so forceful.
Ignore comments that say they are tired of the rain (I grew up farming and ranching - we were not allowed to complain about the rain).
Never miss out at least once in your lifetime - a dance in the rain.

Friday, April 24, 2009


I love pets. My favorite is a dog, but I grew up on a farm/ranch in Doss, Texas, and we had lots of different kinds of pets. Goats, sheep, cows, deer, pigs, dogs, cats, and fish. Most people know that on a ranch - only some animals are truly pets, and the others are wilder, and you don't "pet" them. We would have a baby animal many times not taken care of by the mother, and so we bottle fed many different kinds of animals, and came to love them. That means - we lost a lot of favorite pets, and boy did it hurt. A lot about life and death is taught on a ranch, and part of me wanted to shelter my children from the heartache. Well, everything that you love is worth the risk of loss, and I finally figured out that I learned a lot from my pets, and so my girls should also have that chance. So, we started out with a fish, a gerbil, and a dog (all at once). The dog is still with us, and she is part of our family (our third child and also a "M girl" - Macy). I have learned a lot about pet ownership living in town - things that I never noticed in the country, because it was just known. I try not to be too critical, but notice that some people are truly not the best pet owners. There are also some that just go waaayyyyy overboard with their pets (I may be in that category - not sure). I have learned to just try and keep my mouth shut, and be supportive no matter what. Not sure why - but have been around many tramatic pet incidents that have been tough. For instance, the next door dog attacking a walker with her dog. My cousin having two labs kill his goats, and many howling/barking dogs in the neighborhood that are just flat out lonely! It is truly interesting, and I do know that I am certainly not the most perfect pet owner, but sometimes I pray for common sense when it comes to pet owners. I also see how much joy some pets have given the elderly, other families we know, and that just warms my heart so much. I just hope my girls learn that pets take responsibility, and the balance of life can be a joy when you take care of those in your space in a serious manner.

Pets need attention - play with them as if they were a child - just as you should feed, water, and take them to their yearly doc visits.

Enjoy your pet while they are with you - their lives usually go quicker than our own, and each one is so special. They will love you unconditionally, and they don't talk back!!

Take your pet away from home every now and then (if your pet is able). They would love to see more of the world other than just the backyard. Use a leash though!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


I wanted to share that I ran my very first mile several weeks ago. This is big for me, because I was not in sports during school, and I am almost 40 years old. So, I was very tickled that I successfully ran a whole mile without stopping (at a very, very slow pace). Why??? I don't really know for sure - lots of reasons, but I really thought it would just help me feel less stressed. My first day to try, which was over a month ago - I could not even make it to the end of our block. Two days ago, Monday - I actually ran three miles, and cried. I am hoping to do the Wildflower 5K run here in Fredericksburg next weekend, but have not committed yet. We shall see what happens, but I do have lots of time to think while running - so these are my thoughts...

Remember this verse - For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength. Philippians 4:13

Understand that anything you make up your mind to do takes time and determination.

Never take your dog running unless they are very well trained, and don't leave home without a kleenex. Never give up - even if you have to just walk (which can also make you feel better).

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Since I got to see my mom today during one of her visits to town - I decided to talk about my M & M girls. Morgan and Malory are really good kids, and I am very proud of them (so is Dad). I realized after having children how much my own parents loved me, and I have to say that I was a lucky child. I hope my girls can say the same. Moms are great - and I am including those with pets as their children. I sure do love my mom.

Make time for yourself - if mama ain't happy - nobody is happy.

Open your ears and listen to your child.

Many hugs, praises, and prayers makes a happy child.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


I am starting my very first blog post with this title, because everything that I have is a gift from above. I love to talk, and share my thoughts and opinions with others. I have been told that I would talk to a fence post, and definitely have the "gift of gab". I have realized that not everyone wants to listen, and maybe I will not dominate the conversations so much that I have daily if I try out this blog stuff. I think a lot, and maybe my thoughts will also make someone else think.....

Good things happen to those that believe.

Open your heart, and let Jesus inside.

Dare to share the good news with respect and kindess.